
Confession. Looking at photgraphy blogs and bridal shoots kind of makes me sad. Sometimes when I go to my mom’s I look at my dress, and get sad inside. Part of me wonders if I’ll ever wear it.

You know how most girls spend their whole lives planning their weddings? Imagining what it would be like? I have never been able to picture myself married. Having children. Or even growing old. Maybe that is why I kind of went along with my engagement. I didn’t know how it was supposed to feel.


  1. Oh Sam...I felt the same way :( Honestly, I never saw myself getting married and the thought of me having kids was laughable. It just wasn't ever something I could imagine. But it will happen for you, and when it does you'll realize why it didn't happen sooner. You'll look back and be grateful for all the life experiences you had before marriage - and it will only make you a better wife and mother for having them.

    I'm sure you heard this before, but it happens when you least expect it. I know it did for me.

  2. I've always thought that there is more than one person out there for each of us...what makes a person your "soul mate" isn't some cosmic link between two people, its the shared memories you have, the life you've lived together and the life you have together in the future. So I personally think you'll find someone...unexpectedly...that he won't be the "right" match, but he'll be a "good" match, and you'll be so surprised at who it is and how it happens. I think as long as two people want to make each other happy they will be happy. There isn't some formula about having too much or too little in common, you only have to have 1 thing in common...that you want to see each other happy.

    You'll totally wear that dress. And I'll be there taking pictures of that day!!

  3. Sam:
    Life is crazy how drastic things can change. As Kirie, said you will fall in love when you aren't looking. When Josh and I met, I had 86ed all guys from my life. That were all losers until that point, but for some reason we met and fell madly in love. The right one is out there, just be patient. One day you will get to have the wedding of your dreams and trust me.. it's worth the wait for that amazing one!

  4. I love what your photographer friend said Sam! You will find that person who makes you happy and you'll know that it is the right time! Then you'll look back and be so thankful for all these experiences you've had! My goodness have LIVED! and I'm sure you will be so thankful that your timeline turned out the way it did!

    By the way....are you quitting your day job to be with your camera? You are talented missy!
