
Honesty is the best policy.

I have heard this my whole life. I always try to be honest with those around me. I have had moments, not proud ones, that I hid the truth longer than I should have. But it ate away at me until I came clean.

Sometimes in life we don't have the oppertunity to "come clean". Sometimes others do it for us. Is that fair? Should you give someone the oppertunity to be truthful?

My question is: Does it matter how the truth comes out as long as it does?


  1. Yes it matters how the truth is revealed...I'd prefer to not hear things second-hand as there's always the chance that the message changes as it's passed on, think of it like a game of telephone.

    You say in your post that hiding the truth gnawed you inside until it came out, I think the longer you hold it in, the greater the gnawing effect. So, that being said, wouldn't you rather hear it straight from the source than from someone else?

  2. I think that someone should always be given the chance to come clean...but if they don't, is it our place to do it for them?

  3. Agreed. If they choose not to come clean, they have to deal with it.

    No one has the right to impose their beliefs of right and wrong on someone else.*

    To me, I don't believe it's my place to force anyone else to come clean. However, that's not to say I can't try to reason with the person about why I think they should come clean.

    *Logically, this could spiral into a discussion over government's place in imposing "societal" beliefs upon the masses, but that's a whole another can of worms...

    PS I'm glad your time at the temple brought a blissful calm upon you. Beautiful pictures.

  4. I think it is the whole mood there. The quiet, the calm. It is amazing how a place in the middle of the city can bring that. Regardless of religion it is a good place for quiet contemplation.
