
Some say I am demanding...Some say I just know what I want... -- ME

I have been called demanding so many times in my life. Maybe I am. But is it so bad to know what you want? To not settle for anything else?

I am passionate about things that are important to me.

I don't do things halfway. It's all or nothing. This can be good and bad.

I don't realize I am stressed till it is too late and I break. Writing expresses that emotion. Photography helps me see...seeing things through the lens causes you to see life differently.
I never want to lose that perspective. Finding beauty in the small things.

A moment. A look. A touch. An emotion.

On that note, I am starting a photography blog. I have all my images on Flickr, but I have had friends, family and other random folks ask me to start a blog. I want to keep my images and blog separate. So if you are interested you can follow me...if not, then you don't have to look.

"...people say they need to express their emotions...Photography doesn`t teach you to express your emotions it teaches you to see." -- Berenice Abbott

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