Love and Lost...

They say that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

Falling in love is the easiest thing you will ever do. But losing that love, is one of the most painful things you can go through.

My biggest fear is losing that love. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe that is why I haven't let myself fall completely in love again. It hurts too badly when it ends.

I have become an expert at sabotaging my own happiness. I seem to know all the right things to say and do. The right guys to date, and more importantly the ones I shouldn't.

I know the one that changed me. And I think I kind of knew after him that it would be virtually impossible for me to let someone get that close again. I was close this year...close to loving like that again...

Is there a point that the heartache dulls in your mind?

Will the fear fade?

I know at some point I will trust someone again. That I'll let myself go and just love without hesitation. And be so totally consumed by love that it isn't just needing that is knowing that we don't need to rush, because we have eternity...and that is a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I am right there with you... me and my boyfriend just broke up and all I can keep thinking is "I am never, ever doing this again..." It feels horrible.
