
Why as women are we so sensitive? How do we get to the point of being so emotional that we a heart broken if they let go of our hand too soon? That they don't pick up on what we want all of the time?

Men are so logical for the most part. They can see things clearly. I can think of more then once in my life I have thought I could compromise on things in my life that I knew were important because I wanted to be with that person. Men on the other hand have the logic and walk away if things aren't exactly the way they want them. They don't look at how much it is going to hurt, or the pain it will cause. They just think logically. I wish I had that. I wish that my choices weren't so based on emotion.


  1. You are so spot on!

    Seriously, I have done exactly the same thing but men don't act this way. I wonder if it has to do with our chemistry, survival instincts, etc.

    Sometimes I wonder if I would rather live this way (like a man) or keep on living my life with passion and emotion.

    Either way seems like it has drawbacks!!

  2. I would rather have the emotion. I think if you live by your heart...then things just work out. Yes there is more heartache and break...but it's those things that make you feel alive. Those moments of Joy Happiness, love, passion...it is worth the pain. Because when all is said and done...it is the joy you remember.
