The Fluff..

Last night in talking to a friend I realized that my blog has always been a lot of fluff. The stuff that makes people say "your life looks so great". Yes my life is great, most of the time. I am blessed with amazing friends and family. I have an amazing job, and work with mostly great people. But how often do we put the "real" stuff out there? The days that just suck. The times that we would rather crawl up in a ball and cry? The days that we are venerable. The days that all the small stuff just seems too big.

I demand a lot from the people in my life. But I like to think that I give a lot back. I expect to be a priority in peoples lives. Is that such a bad thing? I feel that if someone doesn't want to make me a priority would should I make them one? I get offended and hurt too easily sometimes. Sometimes I over react. And sometimes I say things I don't mean. But I am always very quick to forgive, to forget and to say that I was wrong.

So on that note I think that my blog will become really what I believe it should be...truly Most of Me...including the parts that most people never get to see.


  1. Awesome post! I had the same type of
    "fluff" blog because I was always censoring what I was writing. It's your blog, your place for personal expression and your place to share what you are really feeling.

    It's hard to take the initial step to just be so open, but once you do it, it becomes addicting.

    Good luck and congrats!

  2. good for you. my favorite blogs to read are those that are real, honest and vulnerable! they are so much easier to relate too.
