
I listen to music for the lyrics. My music reflects my mood. Something Corporate and Jack's Mannequin (same lead singer) are my favorites. It seems that no matter my mood there is always something in the music I can relate to. Today I was listening to Pandora on my Blackberry like usual and I heard a song by Something Corporate "Walking By"...I loved it so I bought it. The lyrics are really good, here is a little section of them...

"These nights I get high just from breathing.
When I lie here with you I'm sure that I'm real,
like that firework over the freeway.
I could stay here all day but that's not how you feel.

So why do you leave these questions unanswered?
The circus awaits and you're already gone.
My Cheshire cat doorstop with fear in your smile,
what makes it so easy for you to be walking by?
And what did I do that you can't seem to want me?
Why do we lie here and whisper goodbyes?
Where can I go that your pictures won't haunt me?
What makes it so easy for you to be walking by?"


  1. Wow... these lyrics are saying exactly what I am feeling... its so crazy!

  2. It is amazing when a song can capture a moment or emotion. For some reason it makes it all seem like every thought and emotion is more justified? because someone else has felt or thought it.
