
On Friday I lost my best friend.

I lost the one "person" that has been there for me non stop for the past three and a half years. She has been there through tough break ups, lost friends, betrayals, depression, moves, broken engagements, happiness and despair. She loved me unconditionally. She was the first one there when I cried. Cuddled me when I was sick. And bossed me around non stop.

Sydnee Loosle January 7, 2007 - August 6, 2010

My little Sydnee (sass) was taken from me far too early. She was still a baby only three and a half years old. Sydnee was so full of life, and SO much Sass. She always kept me on my toes. Friday I had to make the difficult decision of putting her down. Sydnee had injured her back. At first the vet believed that with rest and medication she would heal on her own. But within 24 hours she had become completely paralyzed in her back legs. When the surgeon saw her, he gave her less then a 50% chance of ever being able to walk again.

If you knew my little one, you knew that there is NO way she would have had it that way. She was one that did not hold still. She did not let her size hold her back in any way. She was a "Big:" dog. And she was going to do whatever her best friends the Golden's did. I couldn't be selfish and keep her here. I couldn't expect her to be happy with a life that she wouldn't have wanted. So I made the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I let her have her legs back. I let her go to a place that is so much greater then here.

I miss her so terribly. I feel like my heart could break into a million little pieces. But I know she is looking down on me smiling, wagging the wiggly waggly little tail of hers, bossing me around telling me to hurry up! Because heaven knows she is in charge...and what she says goes.


I am normally not one to get involved in politics or religious debate. Many of you know I am LDS (Mormon) I was raised LDS, and I don't claim to be the most righteous person out there. But I do however have a strong testimony of my church. Okay with all that aside all of this Prop 8 "stuff" has really gotten under my skin. I personally do not have too much of a stance on whether or not gays should be allowed to get married. I believe that it isn't my decision. This may be right or it may be wrong in your opinion, but it is how I feel.

With that being said, it seriously BREAKS my heart to see what all of this controversy is doing to families, friends and our nation. It has caused so much pain, hurt and contention on all sides. I have many friends that are "gay", and I love them unconditionally. We have been instructed as Christan's to love our neighbor as our self...why do we find this so hard. You don't have to agree with a persons choices to love them. And it isn't our place to judge. So why do people feel the need to put others down? Does it make them feel better about themselves, or their beliefs? I have seen this on both sides of the matter. Why can't we all just have compassion for one another? Try to get along. Mind our own business?

There is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in, but is it necessary to put someone else down to do so?