with light comes dark...

with the joy comes misery...

with love comes pain...

we cannot choose what happens to us -- we can only choose how we will react

 no matter how dark it gets

 no matter the misery

or the pain we feel

there is always an end...

sometimes we just have to make that choice...

random thought for a thursday...

I was thinking today about great loves. I listen to my iTunes and it seems that everyone is looking for someone to save them. To make them happy. Someone to love them. Make them feel whole.

Yes I am guilty of this -- read my below posts.

Being in love is a great thing. Having someone think the world of you is amazing. But if you don't love yourself, their love, affection and compliments will never be enough. Putting your self worth in the hands of another is never a good idea.

If you don't worry about your own happiness -- no one else will.

There comes a point in time that you have to learn to love yourself. Make the choice to be happy. Because no one can make you "happy" or make you "whole".

Loving yourself means saying enough is a enough. Standing up for yourself. Knowing that your happiness is important. Because you are worth it.

a moment...

There are moments that change our lives. Defining moments that we know things will never be the same.

Sometimes we bring these moments upon ourselves and others well others are brought on by someone else's choices and decisions.

We have the option and choice as to how we will react and how we will let them affect us. We can fall victim or we can stand up and take control.

I am a people pleaser, I have said it a million times over. I want to make people I care about happy. Even if it means my own misery. I can deal with emotional pain. In fact, I am really good at it. But to see someone I love in pain is more than I can bare. I expect them to let me in. Let me try to help and fix their problems. Never letting them...or anyone in close enough to understand me.

But every once and awhile I will let go. Show my whole heart. My whole self to someone. Or as close as I think I am capable of. I let myself love that person. Though I know it won't last. And  it is usually a harsh and abrupt end.

But I will say in those small moments. I remember something. I remember how good I am with someone else. I remember how it feels to have them look back at me. Being able to see how they feel in their eyes. And for that moment, not being afraid. Completely stripped and vulnerable, not caring because I am safe. Just for that moment. 

Yes it is usually short. But as I have learned...some of the best things in life are moments. And it is these short individual moments that make up the best parts of our lives.