
falling in love
it sounds so simple

the simple story of boy meets girl...
but life is never simple

boy meets girl
girl falls
boy pretends

girl try's to hold on
boy lets go
girl try's harder

boy leaves
girl cries
boy moves on

.  .  .  .  .  .  .


“you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.” 
 - Marilyn Monroe

I love the meaning that you can find in a few simple words. 

What does it really mean?
It will change from one moment to the next. 

Others will disappoint you. 
Let you down.
Break your heart. 
Betray you. 
Unknowingly - Unintentionally 

It's believing in yourself. 
It's trusting in God. 
That when it all does fall apart. 
And you are left broken. 
That you will be okay. 


i have this voice of passion within me
that will not be silenced
it fights for something more

more life
more love
more heart

it wants to feel all the bad
the dirty and ugly
the part we hide…even from ourselves

it yearns to document them
see them
hold them close
and feel them
become part of them

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

i thrive capturing emotion
my goal for this year  
to see it
in natural form
the dark grit
the photographs that make you feel

i want emotion
i want to feel it
i want pain, joy, confusion, clarity
i want it all
in life we have highs
and lows
 moments that are perfect
more that aren't

 put our hearts in
attempt to take them out
 get hurt
 hurt others

 show our strength
hide our weakness
put up walls
hide tears

 say one thing
but  mean another
show our worst
hoping they deserve our best

all it takes is for one
to prove it all wrong
to stay
to fight


a couple weeks ago we buried my cousin
she was 24...

sometimes life is far too short
sometimes life is too painful 

no parent should bury their child
especially a child so young...

my heart aches for my uncle
i cry thinking of his pain...

life is short
we really should learn to live while we can...