a season of change...

there are a few major things that are going to be changing in my life.

i recently have found foot zoning....
go ahead shake your head, think i'm nuts
it works....

i have:
found peace
felt anger

i am a happy person -
but i have lost my joy
my passion

so a few things are going to change...

i will write more - for me
i will shoot more - of my vision
i will spend time - with myself
i will open my heart - to love
i will go back - to something that scares me
i will stand up for me - no matter what
i will not feel weak - physically, emotionally, spiritually
i will value - myself

"adversity is like a strong wind, it tares from us all of the things that can not be torn. so that we see ourselves as we really are." -- Arthur Golden


raw, ugly, terrifying thoughts
facing a truth, for so long hidden
buried under smiles, laughs, pretty words…

a pain so deep, a cut that never heals
anger masked with pretend forgiveness
emotional scars, words unspoken…

truth hidden beneath makeup
an act perfectly portrayed
smiles and laughter unbroken…

lies, untruths weaved tightly
distorting, destroying worth
 let it go…