Catching Up...

Oh my, a lot has happened. Things that I don't really want to talk about to be honest. Most of you already know, and a few don't. But to sum it up the last 3 weeks of my life have not been awesome. I have had my heart broken in ways I can't even begin to explain. I have faced challenges of anxiety I didn't even know existed, so paralyzing that I honestly didn't know if I would survive it. Every day has gotten a little easier, but the pain is still there. And I wonder if it will ever completely go away. I have been through break ups, I have lost friends, but nothing like this. I wake up in the morning waiting for the pain to be gone, the sick feeling in my stomach to leave, but it's there. The betrayal, the heartbreak, the disbelief. I know the pain will fade over time, but I don't believe it will ever completely go away. This time I think it was just a bit too deep to heal.


  1. Oh Sam! I don't know what happened but it sounds aweful. I am here if you need to talk. mwahh

  2. Sam...I am sorry you had to experience this and I'm even more sorry that I wasn't even aware of it at the time! What a great support I was! There are really no words to heal a broken heart or mend these relationships. That unfortunately is only made "more tolerable" with time. Hopefully you can find something positive from the situation and let it be a chance for personal growth??? In the meantime, I'm glad to see that you have other great friends to go to Newton(?) with! Please let us know if we can help!
