So back in February I decided it was a good idea to get engaged...very quickly after I decided it was a really BAD idea. Well in the process I met a FABULOUS photog. She is the one that took the picture on my header and on my sidebar...anyhow after paying for engagement pictures I decided I might as well get as much use out of them as I I cropped him out :) haha. A couple of you asked what they were taken for...and who took them. Her info and blog is posted below!
Crystal Smith
Call or Text: 801.814.2805
So someone said to me today when you have some spare time you should count up all the people you have I did. I started post high school...because well I think that is when it starts to count :) And I am embarrassed to say I counted 51 people that I could remember. That is just insane! 51 people and I still haven't found the "right" one?
I have had some horrible relationships. Ones that broke my heart. Ones that I broke theirs. Some that they cheated. Some that I wanted to cheat and didn't. Others that ended before they began, and some that should have. But after it all, I can honestly say I didn't regret one of them. This last year has taught me a lot. It has made me stronger then I could have ever thought I would or could be. I lost amazing friends. Gained even more amazing ones. Left the man I thought I was going to marry. Had the one I wanted to marry break up with me. And finally found courage and strength. I think this is the first time in my life I have finally just stood up for me. I am done with letting others push me around, make me feel less then what I am, and having friends that are willing to turn around and stab me in the back. I have been told by so many people that 25 was the year they found themselves. I think for me I always knew who I was just the year I found the courage to be that person...
I have had some horrible relationships. Ones that broke my heart. Ones that I broke theirs. Some that they cheated. Some that I wanted to cheat and didn't. Others that ended before they began, and some that should have. But after it all, I can honestly say I didn't regret one of them. This last year has taught me a lot. It has made me stronger then I could have ever thought I would or could be. I lost amazing friends. Gained even more amazing ones. Left the man I thought I was going to marry. Had the one I wanted to marry break up with me. And finally found courage and strength. I think this is the first time in my life I have finally just stood up for me. I am done with letting others push me around, make me feel less then what I am, and having friends that are willing to turn around and stab me in the back. I have been told by so many people that 25 was the year they found themselves. I think for me I always knew who I was just the year I found the courage to be that person...
One of those...
Yesterday was a crappy day. One of those days where you don't really feel like you are "enough". I like to think I am a confident fun sassy person to be around. I mean the guy at Maverick today said I was fun in the mornings...that I was perky. But yesterday, I felt like I was just there. Floating. Maybe feeling a little rejected. Sometimes I wonder if we can ever be enough for other people. I will never be perfect. But will I ever be perfect enough for someone?
Jack's Mannequin...with The Fray
Okay so technically Jack's Mannequin opened for The Fray...but I went for Jack...I love him. His my favorite! We had a fairly large group go..Me, Ree, Ty, Phatty, Mergs and date, Lane, Kristen and Kevin. It was a good time! After the concert we went to The Pie and grabbed some delicious! And then they all passed out as I drove us all home...haha. Although Ty did make a valiant effort to try and stay awake to keep me awake :)
So I decided my blog has become boring. I kind of forget to post stuff...sorry about that. :) But to be honest I have kind of let my life become a little boring. After all the excitement of last month it has been nice to just have things calm and level. I have been staying ultra busy...trying to plan things for most nights of the week, and it has been good for me. Less time to think I guess.
Anyhow a quick catch up of things that happened this week....
Friday we had a BBQ at our was a good time and I got to see my friend Matt "Dirty" that I haven't seen in ages!!! I lit the grill...and it was a little scary...I think by the 5th time we lit the charcoal it finally took...haha.
Saturday I went up to Logan for my little cousin's baptism...and then over to Newton dam for a day on the boat with some of my favorite peeps. Vern decided to wake surf in his freaking hot! :)
The sky at the end of the day was beautiful! After 9 hours on the was time for the annual Newton Dam Dance party...and I got sick. Being on the boat all day, then disco lights...not a good combo! So I laid in the back of Ty's truck and watched the stars. It was so pretty, and relaxing. Then I camped...haha. I slept about 3 hours...the party went late into the night, the music was loud and well I just don't sleep well outside. But regardless it was a great time!
And on to last mom and family went to Jackson Hole, so I am staying at her place and watching my little Sass...I miss her. Don't mind my lack of make-up...but I miss her snuggling me. She was so happy to have me there.

"No matter how dark the moon, love and hope are always possible."
"In order for the light to shine so brightly the darkness must be present."
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
"Every man dies, not every man truly lives."
"In order for the light to shine so brightly the darkness must be present."
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
"Every man dies, not every man truly lives."
Okay so I have always been super sensitive about my teeth ever since I got my braces off and the dentist told me I should bleach them. I tried the crest white strips, but couldn't do it because it made my teeth too sensitive. So because I was feeling kind of down a couple weeks ago I decided I would get Zoom! whitening far I love the results! It took my teeth 15 shades whiter...holy cow! I didn't realize how yellow my teeth were! INSANE! So anyhow, I am still doing the after bleaching treatments and they will go even whiter...but I was messing around on my computer today and was shocked with the results so far...and thought I would post them. It's kind of gross that my teeth were that yellow! Probably from years of drinking soda?

Last night after work I finally got to break in my season pass to Lagoon! It was a blast! haha. Ty came down from Logan to be my "date". Ree was lined up with Alex from Stac and I's work. And then of course Staci and Jared. It was so much fun! And such a great time to go because it wasn't hot, it was the perfect temp, plus the lines were short because it was the end of the day. I love Lagoon, I love acting like a 10 year old...haha. It was awesome. Hopefully there will be many more fun filled Lagoon nights to come!
Alex Ree Stac Jared
Girls Dinner
Last night I met 2 of my best friends down in SLC for dinner at Mimi's. Jess Erin and I have been friends for 5+ years. I love these girls and don't get to seem them often enough. They are really what best friends are... :)
Baby Ella...she is such a babe! And such a happy baby!
Ryker, he is going to be a heart breaker...such a flirt!
Quotes of the Week
For those that believe no proof is necessary. For those that don't believe no proof is possible.
Fear cannot scare a person who is at peace with God. There is no room, opportunity, or place for fear in such a person. Remember, you must have faith
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
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