
Sometimes I think it is easier recovering from a broken heart...then recovering from breaking someones.

Confession-- I still feel like a bad person for breaking his...

Today I got an email from him. The first one since March. I can tell his heart still hurts. And I feel horrible that I made him feel that way. Nothing I can ever say or do will make it better. Nothing will ever take the pain away. The one things that makes me feel okay is knowing that there is someone out there that is so much better for him then I could have ever been. I just wish I could have known how things were going to turn out, and saved him from it all...saved him from me.


  1. I felt this way about my ex. It took years before I finally felt like he was over it and I felt horrible for the longest time. Eventually we started over as friends and our friendship is definitely improving all the time.

    Once he has had time to heel I'm sure that the pain you have will lessen and once you guys can be friends again, I promise you will feel better :-)

  2. Colton Dyer (baby D)August 17, 2009 at 2:43 AM

    i certainly hope this is the case..
