The Process...

"Until the day break, and the shadows flee away" -- Song of Solomon 2:17

I knew I wanted something on my back. But because your spine is your lifeline, the center of your being, and to me symbolizes strength, I though very long and carefully on what I thought it should be.

I was reading one night, and found this line. It is from Song of Solomon 2:17. It is not the full verse, but it really stood out to me (the script used is Hebrew). The wonderful part about scripture is it can mean different things to us at different points in our lives, and I love that I know this verse will grow with me.

It gives me hope in light. Because light will always break through the darkness. Good will always win. Because although at times our lives can feel so dark, and hopeless -- there will always be a time get it gets better, the pain will fade, and you will come out better and until then....have faith.

1 comment:

  1. That looks painful Sam! Love the saying! What language is it in?
