
Sometimes I long for my early 20's.

Yes they were rough and it took me a long time to figure myself out.

But they were so carefree. I miss that.

Working at the tanning salon 5 hours a day. Staying up all night with my friends...because I could.

With the Sigma Chi Alumni banquet this weekend, I am preparing myself to feel very old.

I remember being 19 or 20 hanging out at the Sig house...and thinking that girls my age were old, and why were they not married....

Well folks I am that girl. I am old. 

Should make for an intrestingly awesome weekend. I am excited to see all my dear friends that are going to be in from out of state.

1 comment:

  1. Jan makes a great point.

    I too miss those days, but weekends like alumni banquet provide opportunities to reflect and reminisce on our shared history. They also facilitate the chance to reconnect with one another and hopefully build upon our shared history.

    P.S. I dig the remodeled SJ Images website. Nicely done!
