We are all looking for Something...

There have been so many times in my life that I just wanted someone to tell me what to do, how to react or what the right choice was for that given moment. I have experienced so much heartache based on the advice that "friends" gave me.

Life can be so confusing. And it is human to look for some sort of outside source of confirmation or guidance. I have always had the outlet of writing. I love to write. For some reason when I think or talk the words and emotions just don't make sense. But the second my fingers hit the keys it is like my mind turns off and the words and emotions flow. And somehow things that seemed so confusing become so clear...

I have learned taking advice from others usually is not a good idea. I am a strong believer that only you know what is right for you. Others tend to give advice that you need to hear, or that benefits them in some shape or form. I don't think any of us really have the "right" answer. I do believe however that we all know deep down inside...what is best for ourselves.

Never in my life have a been in a place like I am now. I have so much peace about who I am, and what I want out of life. I guess sometimes it takes losing everything before we can really figure out who we are....and for the first time I am completely comfortable with that person.

Life is full of transitions. Some are going to be harder then others. But as long as you keep perspective on what is important it doesn't matter what life throws your way...you'll always come out stronger in the end.


  1. This is a really fantastic post.

    You are so right; It is so tempting to ask the advice of others because you want confirmation or need guidance, but there is no way that anyone can really truly understand YOUR situation entirely, so it is impossible to receive unbiased or genuine advice.

    Thanks for letting me know you posted this. It actually helped me out quite a bit.
